Case study:

Hereford Enterprise Zone

Reaching over 3,000 employees across 300 businesses.

For this project, we worked closely with Herefordshire Council and the Hereford Enterprise Zone. 1dayaweek was then rolled out to over 3,000 employees across 300 businesses within the Hereford Enterprise Zone.

Our aim? To encourage more employees to use sustainable travel with regular incentives and provide a tangible, key deliverable as part of the Hereford Enterprise Zone Travel Plan.

1dayaweek provided overarching incentive campaigns and promotional tools within the updated Travel Plan. It is also a key deliverable by the Travel Plan Coordinator, a role taken on by  Mosodi.

We have established the campaign throughout the Enterprise Zone by providing physical and digital 1dayaweek materials to all employers and through 11 public events. There have been monthly winners since the campaign started in May, and the campaign has been extended until March 2023.

By working with local commercial retailers, discounts have been obtained for employees at a number of shops. Local walking and cycling routes have also been promoted.

As of September 2022, over 350 employees have been engaged at 11 promotional events. £400 in prizes have been awarded and 1dayaweek has been extended until March 2023.